
Trump's Daddy Issues


Hard to believe, but this current administration’s term will come to an end someday. And when it does, there will be a lot of analysis and introspection, though maybe not on the part of the former President himself, who seems incapable of deep thought. 

Many psychologists have already weighed in with diagnoses of malignant narcissism and possible signs of dementia. There’s also been a lot of focus on Donald’s upbringing. His father, Fred Trump , was by all accounts a domineering tyrant who abhorred weakness in other males, especially his sons. When his eldest, Fred Jr., bucked the old man’s insistence that he go into the family real estate business, the pressure drove him to alcoholism which eventually killed him. Fred Trump’s demeanor, which Donald seems to have inherited along with his racism, is mirrored in this famous scene from 1996’s “Shine”, in which piano prodigy David Helfgott endures relentless beatings and eventually overcomes crippling mental illness brought on by his father’s bullying.

Donald’s coping mechanism, on the other hand, was to emulate his father and do everything he could to please him. Now, by extension, he shows fealty and subjugation to all ruthless masculine dictators like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un and will apparently bend over backwards to earn their flattery, which he interprets as mutual respect.

Donald’s daddy issues, paired with his bullying, projection, racism, and misogyny, make for a a psychologist’s dream case study which will be pored over for years to come. For most US citizens, his Presidency has been a slow-motion erosion of all the positive traits we used to associate with the Commander-in-Chief, and we’ll celebrate once it’s over.

For now, make sure you’re registered and commit to VOTE in the 2020 election, likely the most important in U.S. history.  

Trump and Russia: Idiocracy Now


"I never expected Idiocracy? to become a documentary." -Etan Cohen (Idiocracy screenwriter)

"The horror......the HORROR." -Marlon Brando as Capt. Kurtz (Apacolypse Now)

Comedy or drama? Hard to tell sometimes.

For someone whose campaign was largely based on "draining the swamp", Donald Trump has managed to fill his Cabinet with a slimy crew of misfits, many with suspicious or outright illegal dealings with the Kremlin. Are we still really to believe that Trump was unaware of all the double-dealing done on his behalf to grease his way into the White House? Oddly enough, many still do. As candidate Trump said just prior to the election in a rare moment of honesty, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters".

Still, there are signs that the swamp may soon take Trump under. Special Councel Robert Mueller and his investigators won't be so easily misled.

Trump & Putin: Really Into Each Other


"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." -Winston Churchill, 1939

What to make of Donald Trump's relationship (or lack thereof) with Vladimir Putin?

A sampling of Trump's contradictory quotes only makes things murkier:

Donald Trump last week: “I never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin is.”

Donald Trump in 2013: "I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer, and we had a tremendous success.” Donald Trump in 2015: “I got to know (Putin) very well.”

Donald Trump yesterday: “Just so you understand, he said very nice things about me. But I have no relationship with him. I don’t...I’ve never met him. I wouldn’t know him from Adam except I see his picture, and I would know what he looks like.” And Donald Trump is (just barely) seen as the more "trustworthy" candidate.